Sumac Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  courage to move ahead and see the good in life and people    Indications: holding on to old ways, life passes one by   Click View for detailed informaton

SKU: FESUMC Category:


Sumac    (Rhus glabra)

Balancing Qualities:
This essence helps open such souls to have the courage to take steps to move out in the world and connect with others and to be able to receive and give warmth and affection. They begin to see the beauty in life in its many forms, seeing beyond the superficial differences that seperate so that they can connect on a soul level where oneness with life is experienced.

For those who, fearing loosing their old identities, hold on to old ways rather than exploring their potential, thus being “walled in” by their own doing. They create loneliness and seperation looking only at the superficility of others and situations. In reflection they feel disconnected, that they have missed out on life or that life has passed them by.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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