Pussy Willow Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  awakening inner fires of inspiration and hope      Indications:  feeling stuck, unable to soften, denying pleasures    Click View for detailed information

SKU: FEPUSW Category:


Pussy Willow   (Salix discolor)

Balancing Qualities:
This is one of the earliest signs of spring and helps one be in harmony with the natural flow and rhythm of life. It opens one to the pleasures of softness and fluidity of the senses, to delight, awakening inner fires of inspiration and hope. It aids the imagination and expression of one’s feelings. It may help couples in conceiving a child by finding the sensual flow between them where they feel intimately connected.

This essence is helpful when feeling stuck or rigid, unable to soften and let go. They feel awkward physically, emotionally or mentally and deny themselves pleasure. They have lost touch with their inner inspirations and longings.


Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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