Iris Flower Essence 1/2 oz bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: able to access one’s inspired artistry  Indications: weighted down by ordinary life   Click View for detailed description

SKU: FEI Category:


Iris  (Iris versicolor)

Balancing Qualities:
Iris is able to dislodge old restrictions and limits one puts on one’s self, shifting and releasing these energies. Original resilience returns and one is once again able to acknowledge and deal with the issues that caused the resistance. It opens one to the higher realms where one is able to access  his/her  inspired artistry, creativity, vision and beauty and brings these qualities  into manifestation. One finds the connection between soul and matter, often called the rainbow bridge, and becomes reconnected with his/her abundant source of inspiration and energy.

For those who feel weighted down by the ordinary world. They experience procrastination, lethargy, and lack inspiration. Old patterns of insecurities and negative influences, often from early in life, put a stop to the otherwise talented person’s progress.


Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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