Indian Paintbrush Flower Essence 1/2 oz bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: grounding rod, connecting to earth, harnessess spiritual forces, restoring vitality   Indications: low energy, overuses physical effort, creativity blocked   Click View for detailed description

SKU: FEIP Category:


Indian Paintbrush  (Castilleja minata)

Balancing Qualities:
This essence acts like a grounding rod, connecting one to the earth and restoring vitality and catalyzing exuberant creativity. It brings self reflection about one’s creative abilities and how to sustain them.  It harnesses spiritual forces which energize and enhance creative expression and manifestation.  It helps deal with intensity and overstimulation, bringing grounded order to any activity. This essence can revitalize the body after illness or pregnancy and childbirth

For low vitality and fatigue from not taking care of one’s physical being. They have lost their sparkle and use effort to accomplish tasks. These folks have difficulty accessing enough physical energy to sustain the intensity of creative work being undertaken because they forget to ground themselves to the earth. Their creativity is blocked, which causes frustration.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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