Hornbeam Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: spiritual “kick start” giving needed energy to see life differently   Indications: caught in the mundane     Click View for detailed description

SKU: FEHORN Category:


Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

Balancing Qualities:
Hornbeam revives both body and spirit.  It is like a spiritual “kick start” that provides needed energy to see life differently and to carry through on projects. It removes self imposed limits, opening the spirit to soar. Life and work take on a different perspective with a more positive view. This allows the person to meet the challenges at hand and live a more pleasurable life.

For those caught in the mundane, stuck in a life which brings boredom and exhaustion from mental ruminating. Excitement about life is gone and one finds him/her self without the strength needed to delve into a project or other task. Procrastination becomes a way of life and life becomes a burden and a chore rather than a joy. These folks are out of touch with their higher selves and soul promptings, staying stuck in the familiar routine, even though it is not satisfactory. They stay in a negative state of complacency rather that attempting to find a way out. These folks turn to stimulants, as coffee to get going, rather than looking for the cause. They are prone to giving up on a project or doing just enough to get by. Everything looms before them like a huge mountain. Stuck in a rut, aptly describes them.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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