Gorse Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: uplifts brings comfort and release from the deep inner depression     Indications:  deep anguish, despair      Click View for detailed description

SKU: FEGRS Category:


Gorse  (Ulex Europaeus)  

Balancing Qualities:
Gorse uplifts and offers comfort, contentment, joy and a release from the deep inner torment previously present. This unlocks the grip these feelings have had on the person and restores hope and faith in a higher order. This opens up space for the person to look within and reflect on the condition at hand, gaining a larger, more wholesome perspective. Life becomes lighter and more joyous.

For those with a deep sense of anguish, despair, melancholy, and sorrow, being utterly despondent, forlorn, discouraged,  about life. They experience hopelessness and loss of faith. They most often try to keep a happy “front” or demeanor not only to convince others, but also to convince themselves that all is well.



Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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