Chicory Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  the eternal mother, warm, kind, loving, selfless    Indications:  possessiveness    Click View for detailed information

SKU: FECH Category:


Chicory   (Cichorium intybus)

Balancing Qualities:
Chicory People have a great capacity for unconditional love. In the positive state one is the eternal mother, warm, kind, loving, selfless, with no expectations of reward, knowing the reward is in the giving. Chicory opens the heart to this true unconditional love, releasing emotional neediness.

For those who need to be in control , be the focus of attention, and continually reassured about being loved. At the same time they are closed to receiving love. This manifests  as a possessive extreme “Mother Love” , demanding,  judging, criticizing, using conditional love: “I’ll love you if…” (The chicken soup mother). Constantly needy, one may feign illness or other trauma, long suffering for sympathy, attention and praise. One feels abandoned, forsaken and unappreciated without realizing that his/her actions and beliefs are creating the very thing not wanted. Chicory folks brood over the past, are insecure and feel unloved, often from early childhood experiences. This is helpful for possessive, demanding, needy children as well.



Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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